Fink Family Farm Bird List

Fink Family Farm Bird List

The only list I faithfully keep is a list of all the birds seen on our farm since we moved here in 1977. I thought it would be fun to add p...

Monday, October 27, 2014

Western Wood Pewee?

Here I go again, photo taken 8/31/13 at 6:07 in the morning but with no certainty of what flycatcher. Probably, I heard it call and so knew at the time and never stopped to think that photos don't chirp. I'm guessing this is a Western Wood Pewee, by virtue of size of bill and sort of, possibly, buffy-grayish wing-bars. Or? I will be most grateful to anyone who can educate me.

The wonderful folks on OBOL have come through again with reasons for why I am, for once, correct in my i.d.

from Harry Fuller: yes, definitely Pewee, "dirty" chest (eliminating Willow), no eyering (eliminating other Empids), and no pale keel stripe to chin (eliminating Oliver-sided)

from Brandon Green: Looks like a pewee to me. Crested, long sharp bill with a mostly-tan lower mandible, and it has the "vested" plumage on the underparts (but not too dark and sharply-defined like an Olive-sided).

from Bob Archer: I agree, dark lores and vested look.

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